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  • Kota im Bad Ramsach Quellhotel Läufelfingen
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  • Winterliche Stimmung bei Kota Bad Ramsach Quellhotel Läufelfingen


The kota, an octagonal Finnish wooden hut, offers the unique experience of barbecuing over an open fire. Our two Ramsach Kotas are located on the idyllic hideaway terrace in the immediate vicinity of the hotel and offer a breathtaking view over the Table Jura. They are available all year round and are the perfect place for cozy get-togethers - be it on balmy summer evenings or during the long winter nights - and offer space for groups of 6 to 12 people per barbecue kota.

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Celebrations in the wooden house

A party in our kotas offers an unforgettable experience. Surrounded by the idyllic tranquillity of nature, you and your guests can celebrate far away from everyday life and enjoy the special atmosphere. The Kota creates a warm and charming ambience that invites you to linger and celebrate. The location right next to the hotel also creates comfort and offers convenient overnight accommodation. In combination, a unique dream location for your next party.

Start your evening with an aperitif on the idyllic terrace with a view over the Tafeljura before barbecuing on the benches with cozy furs by the open charcoal fire. At the end, the legendary Ramsach cream slice awaits you by the meter.
In addition to loudspeakers, the cabins also have WLAN and can accommodate 6 to 12 people.

Simply get in touch with us to put together the perfect offer for your next party.

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- Focaccia with olives
- Bruschetta with tomatoes
- White wine, house aperitif, beer and mineral water


- Beef shank, prawns, chicken breast, pork kidney piece
- 2 different spice mixes from Dietisberg
- BBQ dip, sour cream dip, curry dip, grilled vegetables
- For vegetarians: tofu and halumi cheese

Dessert Ramsach cream slice by the meter

- White/red wine
- Ramsach spring water with/without
- Soft drinks
- Beer (Warteck Lager & Feldschlösschen Bügel)
- Coffee
- Raupe schnapps

CHF 139 per person plus CHF 150 provisioning costs
